Teaching activities
Compulsory Courses
Chemistry Majors
1. for students who intend to get M. Sc. in chemistry
Physical Chemistry (lecture) 1 semester 5 hours/week plus
1 semester 4 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (lecture in English) 1 semester 5
Electrochemistry (lecture) 1 semester
3 hours/week
Chemical Kinetics (lecture) 1 semester
3 hours/week
Statistical Thermodynamics (lecture)
1 semester 3 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course) 2 semesters 4 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (advanced
lab. course) 1 semester 8 hours/week
2. for students who intend to become high-school teachers
Essentials of Mathematics (lecture)
1 semester 4 hours/week and 1 semester 2 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (lecture)
2 semesters 3 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course) 1 semester 5 hours/week
Biology Majors
Physical Chemistry (lecture)
1 semester 4 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course) 1 semester 2 hours/week
Geology Majors
Physical Chemistry (lecture and seminar)
1 semester 4 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (lecture,
also in English) 1 semester 3 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course, also in English) 1 semester 5 hours/week
Engineering-Physics students (common training of the University of
Miskolc and Eötvös University)
Physical Chemistry (lecture)
1 semester 4 hours/week
Electrochemistry (lecture) 1
semester 4 hours/week
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course) 1 semester 1 hour/week
Complementary Courses (for chemistry teachers having a B.A.
Physical Chemistry (lecture)
2 semesters 15 hours/semester
Physical Chemistry (laboratory
course) 1 semester, 25 hours
Postgraduate and Special Courses (Lectures)
Applied Electrochemistry (Corrosion)
Applied Statistics
Computer-Oriented Metrology
Double Layer Structure and the Kinetics of Electrode Processes
Electrochemical Power Sources
Electrochemistry and Corrosion of Metals
Electrode Processes and Electrode Structures
Elementary Physical Calculus
Fractals in Physical Chemistry
Hydrophobic Interactions
Introduction to the Theory of the Kinetics of Elementary Reactions
Ion Solvation
Mass Spectrometry
Multivariate Statistical Methods
New Trends and Methods in Electrochemistry
Percolation in Physical Chemistry
Physical and Mathematical Essentails of Theoretical Chemistry
Quantities and Units in Chemistry
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry I-II.
Statistical Thermodynamics
Theoretical Basis of Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiments
Other Educational Activities
Postgraduate Chemistry Teacher Training
Postgraduate Human Ecologist Training