Váltás magyarra (Change to Hungarian)



Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Physical Chemistry

1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 2.
(36-1) 209-0555 / 1531, fax: (36-1) 209-0602

Bolyai College

1145 Budapest, Amerikai út 96.
(36-1) 252-4871 / 23

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Still under construction!

Born 1972, Sopron, listen the chimes of the tower of the town (MIDI)
1991- Msc Student at Eötvös University, Budapest
Advisor: Ernõ Keszei
1993, 1994 Scientific visitor at Sherbrooke University (Canada)

Research interests:

Electron solvation in polar liquids
Ultrafast laser spectroscopy
Nonlinear fitting methods
Solving of kinetical differential equations

Other interests:

Multimedia applications
Windows programming
3D animations


T. Megyes; P. Holpár; L. Turi: Comparison of Alternativ Mechanisms of Ultrafast Reactions; Kémai Elõadói Napok, Szeged, 1995.

T. Megyes; P. Holpár; L. Turi and E. Keszei: Laser-induced Electron Solvation in Polar Liquids, Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Cervia, Italy, 1995

L. Turi; P. Holpár; E. Keszei; C. Pépin; D. Houde: Solvation Dynamics of Laser Induced Electrons in Methanol, to be published
