Teaching Experience/Activities

From 1994 (Eötvös Loránt University, Budapest, Hungary):

Classes in basic- and Ph.D. education (average of 12-15 hours per week)


Physical Chemistry 1. lecture for II. and III. grade Chemistry B.Sc. students (2007-present, fall semesters, 4 hours per week)

Physical Chemistry 2. lecture for II. and III. grade Chemistry B.Sc. students (2007-present, spring semesters, 3 hours per week)

Physical Chemistry 1. lecture for II. and III. grade Chemistry teacher students (2004-2007, fall semesters, 4 hours per week)

Physical Chemistry 1. lecture for II. and III. grade Chemistry teacher students (2004-2007, spring semesters, 3 hours per week)

Preparatory lecture for the physical chemistry laboratory practices for chemistry teacher students (1 lesson per week in each fall semester since the 1996/97 academic year)

Dielectric, Magnetic and Optical Characteristics of Materials” – lecture for M.Sc. students (2009-present, fall semesters, 2 hours per week)

Applied Computational Simulationslecture for Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, as well as special courses for III.-V. grade Chemistry  and teacher students (joint work with Tóth Gergely Associate Professor) (1996-present, fall semesters, 2 hours per week)

Dynamics of Molecules, Chemical Relativity/Elementary Reaction Dynamics” – lecture for Ph.D and M.Sc. students, as well as special courses for III.-V. grade Chemistry  and teacher students (1996- present, spring semesters, 2 hours per week)

Laboratory practices

Physical chemistry laboratory practices for chemistry B.Sc. students (2007-present, 4 hours per week)

Physical chemistry laboratory practices for pharmaceutical students - laboratory practice in Hungarian and English (1995-1996, 2007- present, spring semesters, 2x5 hours per week)

Computational chemistry laboratory practices for B.Sc. students (2009- present, fall semesters, 8 hours per semester)

Physical chemistry laboratory practices for chemistry teacher studentsconducting and coordinating the laboratory  (1996-2008, fall semesters, 2x4 hours per week)

Physical chemistry laboratory practices for Chemistry studentsconducting the laboratory (1998-2007, 4 hours per week)

Physical chemistry laboratory practices for Biology studentsconducting the laboratory (1996-2005, 4 hours per week)

Problem-solving Session

Physical chemistry 1. problem-solving session for  II. and III. grade Chemistry B.Sc. students (2007- present, fall semesters, 1 lesson per week)

Physical chemistry 2. problem-solving session for  II. and III. grade Chemistry B.Sc. students (2007- present, spring semesters, 1 lesson per week)

Mathematics problem-solving session for  Chemistry teacher students (1994/95 academic year I. and II. semesters, 2 hours per week)

Thermodynamics problem-solving session for  Chemistry students in English (1994/95 academic year, I. semester, 2 hours per week)

Kinetics problem-solving session for  Chemistry students (1994/95 és 1995/96 academic years, II. semester, 2 hours per week)

Special laboratory practices

Quantum molecular dynamics simulations (1997/98 academic year, II. semester, 2000/01 academic year, II. semester, 2003/04 academic year, II. semester, 8 hours per week)

Educating the new generation, supervising work

Ph.D. school activity

Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry Ph.D. School founding member

Participation in Ph.D. activities as Ph.D. supervisor, judge or committee member of  the Board of Ph.D. School.

Ph.D. dissertation supervising

Madarász Ádám: Electron Hydration in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Environment. 2008.

Currently I am supervising the work of a Ph.D. student (Mones Letif).

M.Sc. and B.Sc. thesis supervising

Mináry Péter: Examination of Solvation Dynamics with Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamic Methods. 1999.

Harsányi Ilikó: Examination of Solvation Dynamics with Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamic Methods. 2002.

Madarász Ádám: Examination of Negatively Charged Water Clusters with Molecular Dynamic Methods. 2005.

Currently I am conducting the thesis work of a B.Sc. student (Németh Zoltán).

Supervising research work of undergraduate students (Scientific Student Committee)

Mináry Péter: Examination of Solvated Dynamics with Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamic Methods. 1998.

Compliment at the local Scientific Student Committee conference, participation at the National Scientific Student Committee.


Frequent referee activities (Scientific Student Committee, thesis papers and Ph.D. dissertations)

Education development activities, preparation of educational materials

Preparation of the accreditation material of the Chemistry English translation course (2009)

Participation in the elaboration, organisation and implementation of the common physical chemistry laboratory practices for Biologist, Chemistry, and Chemistry teacher students. Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Physical Chemistry (2003-2007)

Physical Chemistry: lecture for II. grade Chemistry teacher students” – lecture notes  for the physical chemistry lecture for  chemistry teacher students (2004). Access to the lecture notes: http://phys.chem.elte.hu/tanareloadas/index.htm

Applied Computer Simulations II. Quantum Mechanical Methods” – lecture notes for the identical titled optional Ph.D. school and special courses for III.-V. grade Chemistry  and teacher students (2004). Access to the lecture notes: http://phys.chem.elte.hu/turi/szimulacio.htm

Preparatory lecture for physical chemistry laboratory practices for chemistry teacher students”, lecture notes (2004). Access to the lecture notes: http://phys.chem.elte.hu/tanarlab/elokeszito.htm

"Dynamics of Molecules, Chemical Reactivity"  - lecture notes for the special courses (2004). Access to the lecture notes: http://phys.chem.elte.hu/turi/dinamika.htm

"Virtual Physical Chemistry Laboratory" – laboratory lecture notes (collection of the detailed desriptions of measurements, the rules, needs and grading of the laboratory,  etc.) for the physical chemistry practice of the  III. grade chemistry teacher students (2000). Access to the lecture notes: http://phys.chem.elte.hu/tanarlab/index.htm

Complementary desriptions of measurements for the physical chemistry practice of the  III. grade chemistry teacher students (1996-1999).

Other educational tasks

Conducting the entrance exams of  Chemistry teacher students and  Chemistry students (1997, 1999, 2004).

Participating in the single-semester education of the native Hungarian Chemistry students from General University of Ungvar (Ukraine) at the Eötvös Loránd University in the framework of an interstate agreement: coordinating physical chemistry laboratory practices and conducting laboratory practices (1998/1999 and the 2. semester of the 1999/2000 academic year).

Preparing high school students for the international chemistry olympiad (1994, 2005).

Escorting the Hungarian team to the chemistry olympiad, coordinating exam-related tasks (2006, 2007).


1990-1993 (Department of Chemistry, Hunter College, City University of New York)

Classes taught in basic- and Ph.D. education (average of 8 hours per week)


Introduction to General Chemistry I (laboratory practice, 1990/91 academic year, I. semester, 1991/92 academic year, I. semester, 1993/94 academic year, I. semester, 2x4 hours per week)

Introduction to General Chemistry II (laboratory practice, 1992/93 academic year, I. semester, 2x4 hours per week)

Introduction to Organic Chemistry (laboratory practice, 1990/91 academic year, II. semester, 1991/92 academic year, II. semester, 2x5 hours per week)

Computers in Chemistry (for university students, 1992/93 academic year, I. semester, 1x4 hours per week)

Computers in Chemistry (for Ph.D. students, 1992/93 academic year, II. semester, 2x4 hours per week)