BENCZE, László Ph. D.


Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Physical Chemistry

1518 Budapest 112, PO Box 32, HUNGARY
phone: (36-1) 209-0591
fax: (36-1) 209-0602

Tel : (36 1) 2090555

Fax : (36 1) 2090602

Born on 26.9.1962 in Dorog (Hungary)
Graduated at Faculty of Natural Sciences of Roland Eötvös University in 1985 as a chemist
1985-1988 Ph.D. work (C.Sc. degree in Hungary) Study of " Thermodynamics of Equilibrium Gas Phase and Condensed Phase of Alkaline and Rare Earth Metal Halides by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometric Method".
1988 -1990 working as a developing engineer in "Tungsram RT." Company. (Hungary)
1990 -1994 research associate at Department of Physical Chemistry of Roland Eötvös University
1994 - adjunct associate professor at Department of Physical Chemistry of Roland Eötvös University

Research activities:

High Temperature chemistry of alloys, halides and ceramics studied by mainly Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry.
Calculation of thermodynamic functions of gaseous molecules.

Future research plan:

Calculation of phase diagrams.


laboratory practice on physical chemistry for students learning chemistry, biology and education of the aforementioned subjects.
lectures on mass spectrometry and its application to physical chemistry

Studies in foreign countries:

1987 Moscow (2 months)
1988 -1992 6 months in Ljubljana (present Slovenia, former Yugoslavia)
1992 -1992 13 months in KFA Jühlich, Germany
1994 -sept.1995 3,5 months in Ljubljana, Slovenia

International relations:

Prof. J. Marsel and Dr. A. Popovic, Univ. of Ljubljana and Institute "Jozef Stefan", 61111 Ljubljana, Jamova 39, Slovenia
Prof. K. Hilpert, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (KFA), Institute of Reactor Materials (IWE-1), 52428 Jülich , Pf.1913, Germany
Prof. L.N. Sidorov, Moscow State University, Dept. of Chemistry, Laboratory of Thermochemistry, 117234 Moscow, Russia
Prof. G. Balducci, Dr. A. Feltrin and Dr. Stella Nunziante-Cesaro, University of Rome, Dept. of Chemistry, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5-00185, Rome, Italy
Dr. M. Miller and Dr. J. Kapala, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wybrzeze S. Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland




Ph.D. (C.Sc.) dissertation (in Hungarian),
9 papers in refereed journals (all in English),
3 papers in edited books (in English),
18 conference abstract (in Hungarian and English)

Characteristic papers :

L. Bencze, J. Marsel, A. Popovic and A. Lesar: Mass spectrometric investigation of the equilibrium gas phase composition over InI3 at elevated temperatures, Organic Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 28, pp. 1570-1576 (1994). 25. Jubilee Issue, Ed. by: P. Derrick, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
L. Bencze, O. Kaposi, A. Popovic, A.Ya. Borshchevsky and L.N. Sidorov: Molecule-molecule and negative ion-molecule equilibria in the saturated vapour above CsI-HoI3 Mixture, High Temp. Sci., Vol. 25, 199 (1988)