BENCZE, László Ph. D.
1518 Budapest 112, PO Box 32, HUNGARY
phone: (36-1) 209-0591
fax: (36-1) 209-0602
Tel : (36 1) 2090555
Fax : (36 1) 2090602
- Born on 26.9.1962 in Dorog (Hungary)
- Graduated at Faculty of Natural Sciences of Roland Eötvös University in 1985 as a chemist
- 1985-1988 Ph.D. work (C.Sc. degree in Hungary) Study of " Thermodynamics of Equilibrium Gas Phase and Condensed Phase of Alkaline and Rare Earth Metal Halides by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometric Method".
- 1988 -1990 working as a developing engineer in "Tungsram RT." Company. (Hungary)
- 1990 -1994 research associate at Department of Physical Chemistry of Roland Eötvös University
- 1994 - adjunct associate professor at Department of Physical Chemistry of Roland Eötvös University
Research activities:
- High Temperature chemistry of alloys, halides and ceramics studied by mainly Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry.
- Calculation of thermodynamic functions of gaseous molecules.
Future research plan:
- Calculation of phase diagrams.
- laboratory practice on physical chemistry for students learning chemistry, biology and education of the aforementioned subjects.
- lectures on mass spectrometry and its application to physical chemistry
Studies in foreign countries:
- 1987 Moscow (2 months)
- 1988 -1992 6 months in Ljubljana (present Slovenia, former Yugoslavia)
- 1992 -1992 13 months in KFA Jühlich, Germany
- 1994 -sept.1995 3,5 months in Ljubljana, Slovenia
International relations:
- Prof. J. Marsel and Dr. A. Popovic,
Univ. of Ljubljana and Institute "Jozef Stefan", 61111 Ljubljana, Jamova 39, Slovenia
- Prof. K. Hilpert,
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (KFA), Institute of Reactor Materials (IWE-1),
52428 Jülich , Pf.1913, Germany
- Prof. L.N. Sidorov,
Moscow State University, Dept. of Chemistry, Laboratory of Thermochemistry,
117234 Moscow, Russia
- Prof. G. Balducci, Dr. A. Feltrin and Dr. Stella Nunziante-Cesaro,
University of Rome, Dept. of Chemistry, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5-00185, Rome, Italy
- Dr. M. Miller and Dr. J. Kapala,
Technical University of Wroclaw, Wybrzeze S. Wyspianskiego 27,
50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
- English
- German
- Ph.D. (C.Sc.) dissertation (in Hungarian),
- 9 papers in refereed journals (all in English),
- 3 papers in edited books (in English),
- 18 conference abstract (in Hungarian and English)
Characteristic papers :
- L. Bencze, J. Marsel, A. Popovic and A. Lesar: Mass spectrometric investigation of the equilibrium gas phase composition over InI3 at elevated temperatures, Organic Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 28, pp. 1570-1576 (1994). 25. Jubilee Issue, Ed. by: P. Derrick, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
- L. Bencze, O. Kaposi, A. Popovic, A.Ya. Borshchevsky and L.N. Sidorov: Molecule-molecule and negative ion-molecule equilibria in the saturated vapour above CsI-HoI3 Mixture, High Temp. Sci., Vol. 25, 199 (1988)